

1. The Festival is open to amateur performers only. An amateur is defined as ‘a person who does not derive the main part of his/her income from that section of the art which he/she proposes to enter’. This rule does not apply to conductors.

2. Entrants must comply with the age limit where applicable, the age on 1st September, 2024, being deemed to be the age for the purpose of entry. Proof, if requested, must be produced. Date of birth must be shown on the entry form, where required.


3. The Festival Committee reserves the right to cancel a class and refund the entry fees in respect of that class or to move entries to another appropriate class if it is considered insufficient entries have been received.

4(a). Entries should be made on the Festival entry form, available on the Festival website.

4 (b). In all classes, the full title of the piece, the composer’s name and the duration of the piece must be stated on the entry form.

4(c). The Festival is under a legal obligation to supply to The Performing Right Society details of ALL items performed at the Festival and the co-operation of teachers and competitors in sending information at the correct time would be very much appreciated.

4(d). The same piece of music may not be used by an entrant in more than one class.

4(e). An email address must is provided on the entry form, so the entrant’s ticket, with details of the time of the class(es) entered, can be sent electronically.

4(f). Once an entry has been received, no refunds will be made, except until Regulation 3 above.

4(g). An entrant’s place in the Festival is not secured until payment has been received.

4(h). Late entries will be accepted only at the discretion of the Secretary.

Copying Music

5(a). Entrants requiring the services of the official accompanist must send a copy of the music to the Secretary. This copy should be submitted with the entry form. (See also 5(b))

5(b). A (second) copy of the music must be handed to the Adjudicator’s Steward just before performing.

5(c). All music should be clearly marked with the entrant’s name and the class number.

6. The Music Publishers’ Association has issued a Code of Fair Practice on the copying of copyright works and the following concession is made for copying an own choice piece:

‘When an Own Choice work is selected from a publication containing several different works and which is not sold separately, one copy may be made for the use of an adjudicator at a competition or festival, provided that the competitor or participant has already purchased his, or her, own copy and that the copy made is retained and destroyed by the administrator of the competition or festival immediately after the event. This permission specifically does not apply to set works’

‘The accompanist must be provided with publishers’ copies. However, in some cases, it may assist accompanists to practise if a photocopy, suitably presented, is sent which enlarges the original text or avoids frequent page turning. If a photocopy is sent for this reason, then the publisher’s copy must be available on the day of the festival for the use of the accompanist, if required, and to satisfy the laws of copyright performance. Performers should remember that they are liable in law for the provision of publishers’ copies and that the Festival is liable to check that no infringement of copyright law has taken place.’


7. Entrants are encouraged to bring their own accompanist. A Festival accompanist will be provided if requested on the entry form. A charge of £7.50 per entry per class is made for this service and payment must be made at the time of entry.


8. An adjudicator may terminate a performance that exceeds the specified time limit.

9. Performances using music from musicals are subject to copyright law. For classes in which this applies, songs may be sung as a concert performances (i.e. with no costume or choreographed movement) without the need for copyright permission. Failure to comply is an infringement of copyright and will result in disqualification.

10. The order of performing in each class will be as shown in the programme. This order can be varied only by arrangement with the Adjudicator’s Steward.

11. Adjudicator’s reports will be available after each class. Certificates will be awarded in accordance with the Adjudicator’s decision.

12. The Festival Committee will consider an objection only if notice is given in writing to the Adjudicator’s Steward immediately at the end of the class to which it refers.

13. First, Second and Third place certificates and medallions may be awarded at the discretion of the Adjudicator. In ensemble and choral classes, a trophy may be awarded, to be held for 12 months.

Child Protection Policy

14(a). The British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance and Speech work for amateur festivals everywhere to help create thousands of educational performance opportunities for children and young people each year.

The Federation, and our member festivals, are committed to ensuring safe environments for children and young people and believe that it is always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind. We recognise our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people, by a commitment tp recommend best practice which protects them.

This policy applies to our Board of Trustees, paid staff. Adjudicator members, volunteers, students or anyone working on behalf of the Federation and our member festivals.

We recognise that:

  • the welfare of the child/young person is paramount;
  • all children, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse;
  • working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting young people’s welfare.

The purpose of this policy is:

  • to provide protection for the children and young people who participate in our festivals, including the children of festival members;
  • to provide staff and volunteers with guidance on procedures they should adopt in the event that they suspect a child or young person may be experiencing or be at risk of, harm.

We will seek to safeguard children and young people by:

  • valuing them, listening to and respecting them;
  • adopting child protection guidelines through procedures and safe working practice for staff and volunteers;
  • recruiting staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made;
  • sharing information about child protection and safe working practice with children, parents, staff and volunteers;
  • sharing information about concerns with agencies who need to know, and involving parents and children appropriately;
  • providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support and training.

The Federation will review this policy each year in November in line with Safe Network guidance or sooner in light of any changes in legislation or guidance. All changes will be communicated to our member festivals in time for the start of the new Festival year.

14(b). Parents or designated adults are expected to take full responsibility for their children’s safety at all times, particularly when they are in public areas.

14(c). Audio or video recordings and photography during any performance or adjudication is prohibited.

14(d). Anyone wishing to take photographs must first check with the Venue Manager to ensure that prior permission has been given by the responsible adult.

Backing Tracks

15. Whilst the use of a ‘live’ accompanist is preferable, performance to backing tracks is permitted; however, the entrant and/or performer is responsible for providing and setting up the equipment required, and for working it during the performance.


16. The decision of the Festival Committee on any matter raised or not covered by these Regulations shall be final.